fundraising storytelling

non-profit event

maximize fundraising gala donations

client: npower

length: 4:43

timeline: 12 weeks

results: doubled funds raised during fundraising gala vai text-to-give.

we worked with issimo to develop a video for our annual gala. it helped us double the fundraising during the event. we credit the rich storytelling and high production value in this video with our ability to connect with event attendees.

binta vann-joseph

vice president, marketing

investor relations

solidify investment relationship and attract new capital

client: responsability investments, ag

length: 3:19

timeline: 6 weeks

results: augmented investor reporting and armed sales team with compelling conent.

working with issimo was absolutely seamless. they are excellent listeners, they work well with people from different cultures around the globe, they are adaptable, they are thoughtful, and most of all they really know how to tell a meaningful story, full of both facts and emotion!

stacy lucido

head of marketing & communications

venture fund

raise $300 million dollar sustainable real estate fund

client: jonathan rose companies

length: 4:47

timeline: 7 weeks

results: raised $525M for their fund 5. 

the film issimo created has been a game changer! you know it’s working when you make viewers shed tears and ask how they can be involved. issimo was able to capture in a short film the heart of our story and it has been a powerful tool for us in communicating our message.

dawn mottram

chief of staff

as a strategic-storytelling partner,

we help crystalize your vision,

inspire your people, and attract capital




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