Free Q&A: Your Fundraising is Suffering: 3 Ways to Overcome the Clarity Decay Curve

Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, at 9:30 AM CT/8:30 AM MT

60-Minute Open Mic Session

Your Host:

Jacob Hoenhe


Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

8:30 AM MT / 9:30 AM CT

What We’ll Cover During This Open Mic Q&A Session

Understanding the Clarity Decay Curve and How it Influences Fundraising

Story-driven fundraising can produce tremendous results, but if you do not actively maintain your messaging as the story reaches new audiences, the clarity of that story gradually decays. That’s why I’ll explain how you can maintain the uniquely powerful messaging of your story as it gets communicated across greater distances.

Establishing Internal Clarity in Your Fundraising Operation

Generating funds for an individual campaign is great, but the overarching goal should be generating consistent funding toward your mission. Let me show you how to ensure your investors and supporters clearly understand your organization’s mission – and their role in helping you achieve it.

Sharing the Right Story at the Right Time

It is easy to assume that every part of your story will be compelling to your entire audience at any time — but this is rarely the case. With my help, you’ll get better at identifying the right story for each unique circumstance and gain the insight needed to consistently share those stories at the right time.


Will I be able to ask questions during the session?

Absolutely! That’s exactly what these Q&A sessions are for: to answer your most pressing questions and challenges, and to give you the chance to collaborate with other marketing professionals who are experiencing the same obstacles you are! We’ll start with a very quick discussion of our latest research, and then the floor is yours.

Will there be a recorded replay of the session in case I can’t make it?

Yes! If you cannot make it to our Q&A session, we’ll have a video of the whole thing so you won’t miss a moment!


let’s chat. we’re good listeners!

+1 801-443-4888