leadership storytelling

global advocacy

spark a global movement

client: laudato sì challenge

length: 4:48

timeline: 12 weeks

results: sparked a global movement in social enterprise at the vatican.

i watched as leaders and luminaries from over 30 countries, including the vatican, become riveted by this video. issimo told our story more beautifully and more compellingly than i could have ever imagined.

eric harr


paradigm shifting

inspire hearts and change minds

client: truss

length: 3:15

timeline: 6 weeks

results: vimeo staff pick, integrated in ivy league mba curriculum

“the team at issimo can take a concept and bring it to life in a creative, memorable and impactful story. they bring stories to life through video!

logan wilkes



articulate vision, celebrate values, inspire culture

client: ebay

length: 1:41

timeline: 4 weeks

results: ebay diversity and inclusion video series celebrating their culture and attracting top talent

the film issimo created has been a game changer! you know it’s working when you make viewers shed tears and ask how they can be involved. issimo was able to capture in a short film the heart of our story and it has been a powerful tool for us in communicating our message.

dawn mottram

chief of staff

as a strategic-storytelling partner,

we help crystalize your vision,

spark a global movement,

inspire your people, 

post merger / pivot / new leadership,

set the emotional stage for large events.


fundraising storytelling

specializing in these use-cases

learn leadership


we believe when you know better you do better.

below are several resources to

better educate yourself

about storytelling

storytelling research


contact us